As part of the VFX Top Team grant, AVFX students participated in the Splash 2019 festival in Prague.

The lecture by Slovak Roland Friedrich, a native of Singapore who currently has several blockbusters in his portfolio - Alien vs. Predator, Avengers, Warcraft, Transformers, .. But he was not the only one with such successes. The students attended many lectures and remained inspired after each one.

They took part in a 2D workshop hosted by Hugo Guerra, currently working on a Sony PlayStation. They met Mark Spevick, an expert on Houdini, who also invited them to visit Escape Studios London. These are just a few examples of what made Splash 2019 unique.

The whole conference was very friendly, students had space to talk with experts, we exchanged contacts, went to dinner and got many tips on how to move forward in their work.

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