The IVGC is a two-day international conference organized by the Studio of Visual Effects and Game Design of the Film and Television Faculty of the VŠMU in Bratislava every year in April. It lasts two days, with the first day dedicated to presentations to students and the second day presenting the latest ideas and trends from a professional perspective. It takes place at the same time with face-to-face and remote student meetings through a video conference connection with the MS Teams program.

Day 2: Professionals presenting their topics

1. Tobias Frühmorgen. Filmmaker, researcher and film lecturer. Germany/Portugal
Machine Acts - co-writing the script with GPT-4. (Machine Acts – Collaborative Screenplay Writing with GPT-4.)

2. Víctor Manuel Navarro Remesal. Professor of Philosophy at Tecnocampus, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Mataró, Barcelona, Spain.
Video Games as Animation: Conceptual Approaches to Animation. (Video Games as Animation: Conceptual Approaches to the Animatic.)

3. Wilson Rodrigues De Almeida Pedagogue at the University of Lusófona, Lisbon, Portugal.
Out of Line - puzzle design process. (Out of Line - Puzzle Design Process.)

4. Nikoleta Wood. VFX coordinator in London. England.
The VFX Economy: From Concept to Delivery. (The Economics of VFX: From Concept to Delivery.)

5. Pieter Van Houte. Digital creator, supervisor and visual effects creator. Belgium/Canada.
After 28 years. Professional growth overview. from traditional animation studios to visual effects, and what's happening in the field right now with more decentralized work and potential AI disruptions. (28 years later. Overview of Career, from Traditional Animation Studios to Visual Effects and What is Happening Right Now in the Field with More Decentralized Work and the Potential Disruptions of AI.)

6. WORKSHOP - Pieter Van Houte, Belgium/Canada, Nikoleta Wood (England), Michal Šabík, Slovakia.
An overview of professional growth from traditional animation studios to visual effects and what's happening in this field right now with more decentralized work and potential AI disruptions. (28 years later. Overview of Career, from Traditional Animation Studios to Visual Effects and What is Happening Right Now in the Field with More Decentralized Work and the Potential Disruptions of AI.)


IVGC 2024

2024 Medzinárodná konferencia VFX and HD Bratislava SK verzia
2024 International Conference VFX and GD Bratislava EN version
2024 Medzinárodná konferencia VFX and HD Bratislava - Deň 2 SK verzia
2024 International Conference VFX and GD Bratislava - Day 2 EN version

IVGC 2023

2023 Medzinárodná konferencia VFX and HD Bratislava SK verzia
2023 International Conference VFX and GD Bratislava EN version

IVGC 2022

2022 Medzinárodná konferencia VFX and HD Bratislava SK verzia
2022 International Conference VFX and GD Bratislava EN version

2022 1.deň Medzinárodnej konferencia VFX a HD Bratislava SK verzia
2022 1st day of the International Conference VFX and GD Bratislava EN version

2022 2.deň Mezinárodnej konferencie VFX a HD Bratislava SK verzia
2022 2nd day of the International Conference VFX and GD Bratislava EN version

IVGC 2021

2021 Medzinárodná konferencia VFX and HD Bratislava SK verzia
2021 International Conference VFX and GD Bratislava EN version

2021 1.deň Medzinárodnej konferencia VFX a HD Bratislava SK verzia
2021 1st day of the International Conference VFX and GD Bratislava EN version

2021 2.deň Mezinárodnej konferencie VFX a HD Bratislava SK verzia
2021 2nd day of the International Conference VFX and GD Bratislava EN version